Whether you are seeking a successful online dating experience or seeking real time success on face-to-face dates these tips will move you forward. 1. No Gossip: Make a conscious and consistent choice not to gossip – no matter how strong the urge. Gossip is...
Younger Women Dating Older Men: A Quick Reality Check For a woman in her 20’s and 30’s, dating a man in his 40’s and 50’s can be an intriguing option. Some women, tired of the hustle & bustle and ups & downs of dating men their own age find the contrast of a...
Top 4 Autumn Dating Tips 1. Make a promise to yourself today – “I solomonly swear to make this the autumn I stop repeating counterproductive old dating behaviors that avail me nothing.” -So many singles refuse to stop dating habits that...
This is a task that many singles find challenging. In dating, being able to admit that you may need to reign yourself in a bit can be humbling. Remember that everything you say and do in your romantic interactions either moves you closer to meeting your ultimate...
Dating Tips For Self Described Nerds and Geeks 1. Embrace You! You are who you are! Love you and claim you! A woman loves a confident man at her core. Take a deep breath, look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are amazing! 2. Recalibrate...
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