"I left my boyfriend 5 months ago and cannot seem to move on. I can't even date, it's just been within the last week I was able to leave my bedroom and go out for a margarita with my girlfriend and co-worker.   I miss him terribly.  He's married and we had been together for 3yrs with him at my home 5 days and nights a week.  I was kept 'in a box' so to speak, because he was worried i'd find someone else so my world literally revolved totally around him and him only.  I know I did the right thing.  But he was good to us and I truly love him."

"Please tell me HOW to move on and be able to release my heart enough to date someone else?  It didn't take him long at all to move on to the next one, while I'm just stuck here."

"Leaving the house except for work. I actually shake. I was with him 3 yrs. Couldn't go out with girlfriends, couldn't have Facebook. Etc etc. He was with me every day, 14000 texts a month 46 hrs phone time a month. He was all I had for so long. I'm scared and lost."

"I used to be so confident, it's all gone."

- Anonymous woman

Free Dating Advice From Karla

Thank you ever so much for sending me this question. I want to be very clear with you around my response. By you letting go of him you passed what I call a colossal "spiritual test". It is spring and a time for new beginnings. You did something courageous. Nothing good can come from you entertaining a married man. 
Now, in your mind sit quietly and see yourself walking away from this man. Do this as you breath deeply with slow breaths. As you are seeing yourself walk away know that you are taking care of yourself in a very meaningful way. 
Make certain that you force yourself to go out every weekend you are able. This must be something that you are purposeful about. You can dust yourself off and walk into the light of infinite possibilities. I promise you. It will not be easy, but you can do it and beautiful things will happen on the other end if you honor who you are.
Loosing yourself in your boyfriend and trying to find your way back to your true self can be tricky. It will be a process so be patient with yourself. You took a first step when you chose to go out with your girlfriends for dinner.
Your higher self really wants to bloom but your 
lower self wants to keep you small, at home, isolated
and afraid. Your choice to email me is a part of your
healing. You must take small steps daily to find your true self and allow her to bloom.
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