Top 4 Steps To Keep your self-respect and dignity with online dating.
First, women must think about how to keep their self-respect with online dating from both a strategic and tactical perspective. The strategic view offers an appropriate mindset for how to think about and manage your online dating experience. The tactics offer a set of practical ground rules to guide your day-to-day general dating activities.
From a strategic standpoint, this first point is probably the key to successful dating. You can’t attract the type of partner who you will be happy with for the rest of your life UNLESS you have a healthy self-esteem first. Feeling emotionally fragile in dating usually ends up in behaviors that sacrifice values, expectations, judgment, etc. Those sacrifices have no choice but to create relationship ramifications that once your self-esteem rebuilds, will render those sacrifices – and the relationship – no longer manageable.
Although certainly easier said than done, you’ve got to go into your online dating experience with the perspective that you are healthy, positive, and worthy of the “man of your dreams” – however you define that. That perspective throws off positive energy into the universe that – without getting too metaphysical – has no choice but to return back to you in the form of positive dating experiences. For those who have never thought this way, this may sound unbelievable, but I see it every day in my practice. I help women (and men) date with an appropriate mindset and expectations that consistently creates results!
On a tactical level, there are definitely some things that can help women manage their online dating experience more successfully.
1. Manage your expectations
At your core you’ve got to really believe that you are worthy of love and the kind of relationship you seek. And you have to carry yourself in a positive and confident manner that reflects this. The phrase ‘fake it until you make it’ certainly can be helpful to anyone who has doubts.
That said, you’ve also got to understand that, practically, online dating can be both time consuming and frustrating. While you may have to experience a few frogs before you meet your prince, you must remain clear and positive that your prince exists and that you will find him. If desperation and frustration seep into your mind, then they will however unwittingly, also make it into your dating interactions. This will have no choice but to communicate things, both verbally and non-verbally, that will be self-defeating and counter-productive. Men sense this and it can be a major turn-off.
Remember, your thoughts lead to things. If you eliminate negative feelings, and manage your expectations through the process, your journey will be a smoother one.
2. Be intentional about preserving your self-worth.
Eliminate thoughts that are not serving your aspirations. Your self-worth is in who you are as a human being. It is not about who you’re dating or in a relationship with.
There are techniques and principles about successful online dating. If you’ve been strategic about your education or career, isn’t your love life just as important to be thoughtful about? If you’re not in touch with the do’s and don’ts – find out!
Also you can find some solace in the fact that you’re not alone; there are millions of others in your boat searching for love. Keep your head up, stay positive, and ‘just do it’.
3. Keep your alpha female in check.
There is, generally, no room for your alpha female in the online dating arena. Most balanced men do not have any interest in being chased, micromanaged, or controlled by a woman. If you are not in touch with this aspect of your personality, your alpha female might box you out of lots of dating experiences with your insistence on being in control.
4. Frogs & Princes.
Finding the love of your life is about finding that one right person with whom you can be happy. It may take you some time to find that person. When you meet those inevitable “frogs”, don’t lose heart. In reality, each one brings you one step closer to your “prince”.