Top 4 Autumn Dating Tips

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1. Make a promise to yourself today – “I solomonly swear to make this the autumn I stop repeating counterproductive old dating behaviors that avail me nothing.”

-So many singles refuse to stop dating habits that actually undo any prospects of nurturing a new, healthy relationship. They say they want to “find a mate”, but yet continue to do things that prevent that from happening. A great example is singles who continuously talk about all the bad relationships they’ve been in. Nothing sends up more ‘red flags’ then hearing about all of the failures and mistakes of one’s past love life!


2. Commit to embracing the reality that appearance does matter.  You can have whatever value system that drives you on the inside yet still put your best foot forward on the outside.   As a dating coach I am less concerned about how one fundamentally looks and more focused on how one puts them self together for a date. At an obvious level, it is not sexy to come to a date with dirty fingernails and bad breath; but you’d be surprised how many times people report first dates who commit these dating sins.

-Work with what you have to the best of your ability. If you have fashion challenges, hire a dating coach who can give you some honest feedback about your outer strengths.   At the end of the day, whatever you have in the appearance department, learn to ‘rock it’ with confidence and you’ll come across much more attractive.  

-All of this said, above all else on this topic, always work harder on your inner qualities than your outer ones.  Get your attitude and perspective right and you’ll shine outwardly in a way that will attract suitors.  Guaranteed!

3. Get clear about your personal boundaries so you have no regrets.

-Living with the attitude of “whatever happens – happens” involving details around your dating life is not the road to take if you have aspirations of finding someone special. Be thoughtful.  Understand what you really want and need in a potential partner.  Most important, don’t be afraid to go for what you want, otherwise – it’s likely you’ll end up with something that you’re not really happy with. Profound, I know. 🙂

4. Quick tip – without getting to the point of becoming self-conscious, please be more aware about what and how much you say on dates!

– If you really think about it, everything you say and do with someone either gets you closer or farther to achieving your dating goals.  Be thoughtful.  Be discerning, about what you say and do – and who you say and do it with.

Keep these tips in mind on your journey in the single life and you will be well on your way to success.


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