Whether you are seeking a successful online dating experience or seeking real time success on face-to-face dates these tips will move you forward.

1.  No Gossip:  Make a conscious and consistent choice not to gossip – no matter how strong the urge. Gossip is toxic on so many levels. It keeps you focused on negativity and breeds dramatic relationships.

2. Be Positive:  Be the change you want to see in the world. Train yourself to seek out the best in people and situations and to minimize your focus on anything else. Over time, this will acculturize like minded friends to also think this way and you’ll find the drama dissolving all around you.

3. Prune unhealthy friendships. In the quest for drama free relationships don’t be afraid to minimize contact with those people who aren’t on the same path that you are.  It may sound cold, but if your goal is to reduce the anxiety and negativity of drama-filled relationships, then sometimes you’ve simply got to ‘move on’.

4.  Let Go.  Much of the drama we have with those in our circles is derived from the emotional baggage that we accrue over the years.  If something is not in some way moving your toward your goal of peace and positivity, then LET IT GO. To forgive and forget is easier said than done – but it is often essential to your emotional well being. To get more insights on how these tips may apply to you inquire at Karla@NineGPS.com for a private consultation. I wish you well! Stay optimistic!


© Copyright 2012 Karla Moore. All Rights Reserved.



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